Cleaved | A short film by BAMBAMBAM

Cleaved | A short film by BAMBAMBAM

You never had the choice to be born, but everyday you have the choice to end your life. What freedom lies in that possibility? Can being alive become a conscious choice? This question is central to Cleaved. The film is an attempt to enter the unknown, the adventurous.


Cleaved is a film by BAMBAMBAM, a makers collective by director & screenwriter Tine Tabak and co-creators & physical actors Merette van Hijfte and Niels van Heijningen. They see themselves as physical thinkers. In their work they want to connect the thinking body to the adventurous mind. The film was created with a bigger team of people with a theatre and dance background. As interdisciplinary team BAMBAMBAM started looking for a theatrical form in which movement forms the basis for the film. They went in search of a form in which the two dramatic expressions of film and theatre could influence and reinforce each other.

Regie: Tine Tabak, Merette van Hijfte & Niels van Heijningen

Speelduur: 20 min

Taal: Engels

Jaar: 2022

Still Cleaved | A short film by BAMBAMBAM