Oceans Are the Real Continents | SproutsFF24

Oceans Are the Real Continents | SproutsFF24

Oceans Are the Real Continents | Los océanos son los verdaderos continentes by Tommaso Santambrogio

debut competition | Dutch premiere | 2023 | Italy, Cuba | 119’


Dreams, longing and migration run through this slice of present-day Cuban life told in three separate stories. From the extravagant opening scene to an emotionally laden puppet show, the stunning black-and-white imagery and minimalist performances impress. Santambrogio’s elegant balance act between contemplative realism and stylized drama makes for a rich tapestry calling to mind the visual language of Cuarón’s Roma


*All Sprouts films are with English subtitles


Sprouts Film Festival 2024 | May 7-12

In times of a glitching world, with weather extremes and inhumane conflicts intensifying, it can be tempting to avert your gaze. Instead, Sprouts wants to make the cinema a site for peaceful protest by showing newly released ecocinema and socially critical debut films. All selected features and shorts are fiction, because it is our belief that through the power of imagination we can alter our behaviour for the better and rethink our relationship with the more-than-human world. We are here to make you wonder, to inform, to spark resistance and to nurture fresh talent.


SproutsFF24, our third edition, will be bigger than ever. Our festival locations this year are Studio/K, MACA, Kriterion and Zone2Source. Want to learn more about our SproutsFF24 programme, which also includes a free Eco Expo, a queer club night and a live ecological AV-show? Go to sproutsfilmfestival.com or follow us on Instagram @sproutsfilmfestival and Letterboxd @sproutsff.


* All features are in competition for the Audience Award. Please do not forget to cast your vote on the way out!

Speelduur: 119 min

Still Oceans Are the Real Continents | SproutsFF24