Zondag 19 Januari | Open+Bloot #2: Reimagining the Erotic

Zondag 19 Januari | Open+Bloot #2: Reimagining the Erotic

For panel tickets, click here.
For workshop or combi tickets, click here.


Looking to spice up a lazy Sunday? On January 19th from 14.00h to 16.30h, Studio/K and Stripclub Life Drawing are coming together to bring you Open+Bloot #2: Reimagining the Erotic, featuring a panel discussion and drawing workshop. Tickets can be purchased for both events separately, or for a discounted combination rate. For community rate tickets (panel + workshop for €15,-), don’t hesitate to send an Instagram DM to @stripclublifedrawing.


Unshroud the mystery of Erotic practices during a panel discussion with inspiring speakers, such as sensuality coach and erotic artist @taneesha.savanna and representatives from the Queer and BIPOC multidisciplinary platform @fiteqlub_. Following the panel discussion is a workshop by Stripclub Life Drawing. You’ll get to learn about the Stripclub and the art of stripping, as well as receiving drawing tips and prompts to focus on in your artwork. No prior experience is needed to attend this workshop!



Representatives from FiteQlub:
Fite Qlub is a BIPOC Trans and Queer decolonial, intersectional, and multidisciplinary platform that creates brave spaces such as festivals, workshops, and play parties.

Taneesha Sijmons
Taneesha Sijmons is a passionate coach who guides people on a journey to discover
sensuality, intimacy, and meaningful relationships. With her unique blend of expertise and personal experiences as a sensual mother and sexually empowered woman, Taneesha offers guidance that empowers you to embrace your true self and create a life filled with freedom and pleasure. In a gentle yet powerful way, she breaks down taboos and encourages open conversations that challenge the norm, inviting you to deepen your intimate and sensual connections.

Dr. Misha Kavka
Misha Kavka is Professor of Cross-Media Culture at the University of Amsterdam and co-founder of the research group Queer Analysis at the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis. She has published widely on gender, sexuality, celebrity and affect in relation to television, film and media technologies. She is the author of Reality Television, Affect and Intimacy (2008) and Reality TV (2012), and the co-editor of volumes and special issues on reality television, gothic culture and feminist theory.


Locatie:Studio/K - room SK4
Prijs:€7,50 (panel) / €27,50 (workshop) / €30 (combi) / discount (community)
